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Sylvia Krenz et René Schmid – Eau de Vie

Among Lausanne's innumerable fountains, this one stands out. Its dimensions and geometrical design, its maze motif and its colour give it a severe and imposing character. But after this first impression, it reveals a lighter side. The children who play with its jets - capable of projecting water in jets as high as 4 metres - understand this well; as do the lookers-on who discover on its sides a graceful decorative element, a symbol of eternal life. Did you spot it?

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Peter Welz
Studies for a movement, 2009, Photographie


Sylvia Krenz et René Schmid
Eau de vie, 1994, Sculpture


Samuel Mathiss
Fractopierre, 2015, Sculpture

Plan de travail 1 copie 4