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Ignazio Bettua – Retrobis

Like birds on a wire, these rear-view mirrors affixed to fences cast an affectionate eye on the children in the playground. They play tricks with perspective and horizons, and allow the look to wander, to gently escape. The second title of the work is a play on words that says: "I am polished and I reflect", but which also means “I am polite and I think.”

L'œuvre dans le parcours


Etienne Krähenbühl
Passage, 1993, Sculpture


Ignazio Bettua
Retrobis, 2012, Installation


Carole Rey et Toma Fausto
Un, deux, trois, nous irons au bois, 2012, Installation

Plan de travail 1 copie 4

Collège de Villamont
préau supérieur

Chemin des Magnolias 6
1005 Lausanne