Announcement of arrival (only for students)

This form allows students from anywhere to pre-enter the data of the announcement of arrival in Lausanne.

The collected data will allow us to send you a letter indicating the list of documents that you need to send in due time by email or by post, in order to finalize your registration.

Note that when the request concerns several people from the same family, or living in the same household, each person must complete the form individually.

We thank you for your cooperation and we wish you an excellent stay in Lausanne.

Only the French version is official


Service du contrôle des habitants

Rue du Port-Franc 18
Case postale 5354
1001 Lausanne

Tél. +41 21 315 31 33

Lundi-vendredi: 08h00-11h30, 13h00-16h30
Fermé le jeudi matin

tl 18: Port-Franc; tl: Chauderon
m1: Vigie; m2 Lausanne-Flon
LEB: Chauderon